7 Ways Content Marketing Is Better Advertising for Austin Businesses

If you want to promote your business where the reach of traditional methods of marketing and advertising are limited, then you need to develop new content and try marketing it in new ways.

A good content marketing strategy needs effort, strategy and thought. There are many benefits of content marketing. Let’s look at some of the ways content marketing is better than advertising.

1) You can make your content interactive

You can have a smart blog or a post, an in-depth guide or video and enable comments. There is market for smart content. Nick Denton, founder of Gawker takes the interaction to a whole new level by enabling readers to help rewrite and re-frame the headlines. He is aiming at building a truly interactive news platform for better engagement.

2) You can crowd-source ideas

Advertising is a one way, smart, slick communication. With right kind of content marketing you can have a two-way communication and crowdsource ideas. You can put out an article and invite ideas. You can then pick up the best and the meatiest ones and strengthen your article with a diverse crowdsourced view. It engages a greater number of people on a one-to-one level.

Ted Birkhahn, President of New York’s Peppercomm, the well known and awarded PR agency believes that everyone should create content. “At Peppercomm, we have integrated content expertise throughout all client teams, because we really feel that, if you do not understand the art and science behind content strategy, you will have a hard time being a ‘communicator’ in 2015,” he says.

3) Think. Experiment. Reap rewards

There are companies who think out of the box while content marketing and are able to reap rewards for the same. You have to think how the content you develop can be useful to the people and how you can monetize it. There are companies who educate their readers, earn their loyalties and benefit much more than they would have by putting out costly advertisements.

4) Right content for right people

Advertising is mass media. It doles out messages to everyone in general, and to no one in particular. Content marketing gives you the opportunity to know your users and audience. It slowly defines your demography and enables you to reach your target audience subtly and in a more cost-effective way. You know who are the people using your products and services; what are their concerns and how have their experiences of dealing with your brand been. You get points on how to make things better for your users.

5) Shape opinions, be a thought leader

When you put out good quality content, routinely, you slowly start gaining influence. Quality content, when promoted the right way creates its own ripples that can be felt by everyone in the vicinity and far. There are people like Motivational Speaker Ramit Sethi and Deepak Chopra who have built their empires on the basis of the content they deliver. Advertising did not do it for them, good consistent delivery of content which worked for the people that they cater to helped them be the thought leaders. Companies like Zomato.com, which started with incorporating restaurant reviews sent to them by the foodies now have their own established voice and opinion that matters in the food industry.

6) Advertising can only do so much

In this age of super connectivity content can go viral if it is really interesting and if it resonates well with people. Dole out interesting, informative, funny and relevant content and you will see the torrent of likes and shares, which will enable the content to go from one end of the globe to another. Content marketing in turn can help advertising reach the elusive nooks and corners.

7) Carve a niche, away from the vortex of entertainment

There are huge piles of entertaining, funny videos and advertisement. There are separate channels, magazines and websites dedicated to the likeable content. “It’s not that we need more content; we need more relevant content,” says Jason Miller Senior Manager, Global Content Marketing & Social Media, LinkedIn.

Your brand needs to have a voice that is clear, unique and talks sense. Ensure that the content is savvy enough to be shared on different platforms. Your content needs to win over the people who have the power to spend.

Content Marketing is absolutely a good tool to know and woo your customers. It pays to develop a good relationship with them. Let them know what the company and brand is all about. Learn what your customers are all about. In the end the companies that will last are going to be the companies that have a relationship with their users, clients, customers. Advertising can not help you do that.


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