How Can SEO Help Your Online Marketing Strategy?

What Benefits Can SEO Bring to Your Online Marketing Strategy?

Search engine optimization is arguably the most effective online organic search marketing strategy currently in existence. It is hardly surprising that now more than ever many business establishments and even individuals are increasingly embracing this technique to achieve both their short term and long term business objectives.

Indeed, according to a Comscore survey that was conducted in May 2014, 18.5 billion people made searches utilizing the top 5 search engines in the US alone. While another related study revealed organic search accrues 85% of SERPs clicks and pay per click (PPC) searches accounted for only 15% of this share.

SEO benefits

So, SEO can offer a multitude of advantages that most other online marketing techniques would be hard pressed to deliver. This includes enhanced visibility, brand awareness, credibility and traffic generation that when combined lead to exponential revenue generation growth. However, many website owners sadly deem SEO merely as an inevitable expense to their online marketing campaigns, much the same way they would deal with a mundane household expenditure.

The truth is in fact very different; this strategy can be an extremely rewarding investment. An investment, which can bring about a substantial ROI in a very cost effective manner. This is self evident when you compare it to pay per click (PPC). When you, for one reason or the other, halt a PPC campaign, you will automatically lose visibility, and relinquish the traffic generated by this online marketing strategy. On the other hand, search engine optimization is an ongoing strategy.

It is characterized by a remarkable continuity that lets business entities to solidify their web presence, and drive quality traffic to their sites.Achieving top rankings in the major search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo! culminates in more leads that can be easily converted. Essentially, you should think of search engine marketing as a long term client acquisition funnel that has no bounds.

Taking a case study of Google SERPs, it has been proven that the top rated sites account for 36.4% of all clicks. Hence managing to be on position #1 to #3 suggests to users a solid credibility of your firm and the products or services it offers.

How to formulate an efficacious SEO campaign

Despite all this, formulating and ultimately implementing an excellent SEO strategy is not as easy as it may seem at face value. There are numerous pertinent factors that usually come to play in achieving top rankings and maintain them.

To begin with, virtually all major search engines regularly update their algorithms, and if you fail to keep abreast of these changes you can easily lose your standing on SERPs. Also, your competition can at any time formulate and implement a superior strategy and topple you from your advantageous position. So, it pays a lot to enlist the services of a professional SEO agency that can handle this critical aspect of this online marketing campaign. These experts can be invaluable in assisting you to lay a firm SEO foundation as well as offering the prerequisite guidance in implementing and managing the very best techniques that concur with you business objectives.

As would be expected, there are numerous facets of this online marketing method that are categorized as either on-page or off-page SEO. This includes impeccable keyword-optimized content creation and submission and link building. A reputable search engine optimization firm will integrate these and other factors, which will enable your site to achieve top rankings. In turn, this will drive more quality traffic to it, enhance your brand awareness, and in extension snowball your online revenue generation. Undoubtedly one of the best attributes of search engine marketing is the fact that its results can be accurately measured by web analytics.

To this end virtually all companies that offer these services have devised a wide range of metrics that let them accurately analyze the effectiveness of this online marketing strategy at any time. This enables their clients to easily gauge the viability of the various techniques they implement. While, at the same time, determining better techniques to realize or even exceed the desired ROI in a stress-free manner.

SEO web analytics

Granted, each SEO company has its own web analytics parameters. Still, most of these metrics can be broadly categorized into 2 groups. Which are reach and action metrics. The first variety are designed to determine just how much traffic a site may be receiving as well as its SERP ranking based on the same. This goes a long way in allowing clients to establish the performance baseline of any SEO strategy. Some of the most critical reach metrics include crawlability (how visible a website is to search engine crawlers) along with branded and unbranded keywords. The last metric enables these experts to identify hot keywords and pinpoint potential problems that may arise from a flawed keyword integration technique.

Action metrics on their part, are designed to ascertain just what actions visitors to a given website perform while there. Most search engines assess sociability and content interactivity to effectively rank the sites that are submitted to them. Bounce rate is an excellent instance of action metrics. Ideally, it tracks the number of visitors that leave a site after viewing just one page. The higher the bounce rate a website registers, the lower its ranking on SERPs will be.

When it comes to content interactivity SEO have the necessary tools to establish the most popular pages and even menu items. More to the point, those that possess the highest conversion rates. Yet another vital action metric is referred to as social visitor flow. This metric allows search engine marketing firms to determine just which social media platform drives the most traffic to their clients’ sites. While monitoring all the actions such visitors perform too.


Thanks to these and many more metrics, these experts are always in an excellent position to prove the effectiveness of the strategies they endorse to their clients. It is consequently very easy to realize the immense benefits SEO can present to all business entities for both the short term and long term. You can never go wrong with enlisting professional SEO services in your online marketing efforts.

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